Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer School - Day Twenty-Four - Lunch With Colleagues

One of my favourite pastimes is lunch. Eating out at a restaurant with friends. A nice break from the daily routine. Good food, good conversation, lots of laughter.

As a teacher, I don't often get the opportunity to go to lunch with colleagues. It is one of the privileges that most people in the business world take for granted. So, today, when I had a chance to sit down with 2 of my colleagues over burgers and sandwiches, I jumped at it.

The ability to talk with colleagues about our struggles, problem students, learning styles, lesson plans is one of the most important aspects of reflective teaching. Sometimes just venting can reinvigorate us for the stretch ahead.

But, at its best, collegial conversation is more than letting off steam. It allows us to connect with like-minded professionals who share our pain and our joy. It allows us to refine our ideas and strategies. It allows us to see teaching from a new perspective and challenges our most deeply held assumptions.

It allows us to rediscover our passion.

Thanks Kelly and Blair.


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